24 January 2013 News articles: The Strength Of 20 Men
“Brokk does the work of 20 men, with no workman’s comp claims.”
“Brokk does the work of 20 men, with no workman’s comp claims.”
For Weldon Birch and Cal West Concrete Cutting, Inc., finding the Brokk machines meant uncovering a whole new approach to the world of demolition work.
Imagine a hospital operating room. Surgeons are performing heart surgery, but due to a demolition project within the building, they feel vibrations through the walls and the noise is so loud that the surgical team can barely concentrate.
The Brokk team takes some time away from the office during a sales meeting to show off its bocce ball skills.
Pictured from left to right: Peter Bigwood, August Scalici, Lars Lindgren, Paul Herrick, Mike Martin, Jon Graham, Steve Upchurch
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// The Brokk team