Brokk is leading the way in safe, effective and profitable demolition. Here you find recent press releases and news items about our new products and achievements.

17 January 2017 News articles: World introduction of the Brokk 120 Diesel Mark 2

Brokk, the world´s leading manufacturer of remote-controlled demolition machines, announces the new updated Brokk 120 Diesel Mark 2- the world´s smallest diesel-driven demolition robot. This compact machine can operate independently and un-tethered for over 8 hours straight and effectively tackle jobs that no other machine can.

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12 January 2017 News articles: Sold on Power and Productivity

Throughout history, early adopters who take the risk to use innovative technologies and techniques are often the most successful. It’s a big reason Herb Duane is a Brokk Star.

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12 January 2017 News articles: Innovative Tunneling Beneath the Emerald City

There’s no fast way to add more than four miles of track, most of it underground, to the Sound Transit Link Light Rail system in the Seattle area. That’s the challenge a joint venture of several tunneling contractors faced when starting its portion of the $1.9 billion Northgate Link Extension in 2013, and the project is still keeping them busy three years later.

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