Brokk is leading the way in safe, effective and profitable demolition. Here you find recent press releases and news items about our new products and achievements.

30 August 2017 News articles: Introducing Intelligent Electronics

We all have stories of times electronics failed us. It could be because of a bad power supply, hot or cold weather, or hardware that’s just difficult to fix. It’s a frustrating problem that increases downtime and lowers productivity.

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27 July 2017 News articles: Demolition from the Inside Out

The University of New Hampshire Wildcats Stadium’s football field, track, seating and athletic facilities made for an exciting scene with the exception of one element: the announcer’s box.

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05 July 2017 News articles: Coming up in Sept/Oct – The Brokk Nordic Demotour

In Sept/Oct we will visit you in Oslo, Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Vanda together with the Brokk product family and tools. So circle these days in your calendar. Demo as in demolition. With you at the controls. Don’t miss it!

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// The Brokk team