Featured Attachment Partner TEI Rock Drills & Brokk – A Dynamic Duo

Based in Montrose, Colo., TEI Rock Drills specializes in the design and manufacturing of drilling attachments – and has since 1980.
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30 July 2012 News articles

It is often the case that two is better than one. Peanut butter is better with jelly, mac better with cheese, and it wouldn’t be the Blues Brothers without Jake and Elwood. Sure, one could argue each can hold strong on its own, but combining the two is often the little “extra” that separates ordinary from extraordinary. Following this idea, it only made sense that Brokk, the world leader in remote controlled demolition machines, would combine with TEI Rock Drills, the world leader in attachment drills – and create something truly extraordinary.

Based in Montrose, Colo., TEI Rock Drills specializes in the design and manufacturing of drilling attachments – and has since 1980. TEI’s unique manufacturing process is entirely in-house and incorporates patented drifters (rotary/percussion hammers) and feed systems to produce some of the strongest yet lightweight rock drill attachments in the industry. It was this level of commitment to innovation and leadership that initially attracted Brokk to TEI.

The partnership began to take shape two years ago when Brokk saw a need to provide customers with greater capabilities in the mining and tunneling industries. In addition to their shared philosophies on innovation and leading the industry, the two companies were a natural pairing because they also shared a lot of similar customers – particularly in South African mines. Customers were using both TEI drills and Brokk units for their mining solutions, so the integration for Brokk as a carrier of TEI Rock Drills was a seamless one.

“We have an exclusive partnership with Brokk, and that exclusivity goes both ways,” Joe Patterson, vice-president of TEI Rock Drills, said. “We are the exclusive provider of drilling attachments for Brokk, and Brokk is the only remote controlled machine carrier of TEI Rock Drills.” While the partnership has benefitted both companies, Patterson feels it has been especially great for their customers.

“By joining forces with Brokk, we are essentially providing better solutions to our customers, and providing them with a greater depth of knowledge to better improve the way they work,” he said.

The partnership has been as valuable to Brokk, providing growth in the mining and tunneling industry. And, like TEI, Brokk’s customers are seeing the benefits of this pairing as well.

“It has been extremely beneficial for our customers, as the TEI team offers training on exactly how to use the drilling equipment,” Lars Lindgren, Brokk’s president said. “This really enables our customers to get the maximum performance out of the drills, in addition to the sheer benefit of diversifying our machine’s capabilities.”

Some of the most common job applications in which Brokk and TEI see the combination drill rig used are face drilling and roof bolting, rock removal without the use of explosives, dam grouting, and earth retention and micropiles using hollow bars. TEI limited access drilling attachments are used with the Brokk 160 and larger models, and can be attached and removed in less than five minutes. Since the integration, Brokk and TEI Rock Drills have helped each other enhance their presence throughout the world, and continue to prove that two really is better than one.

Find out more about these and other attachments at http://tinyurl.com/d6cqnv2, and more about TEI Rock Drills at http://tinyurl.com/cx4mwte.

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