Brokking the Cutting Industry

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21 October 2015 News articles

When the opportunity arises, “Brokk it.” That’s the motto for Steve Johnston and his concrete cutting and coring business, Di-Tech International Inc. To Johnston completing a project involves more than simply the removal of concrete. It’s also about ease of use, efficiency and, most importantly, safety — which is why he couldn’t say no when a friend offered a new alternative to work in conjunction with concrete cutting.

Di-Tech International, a full-service concrete cutting and coring contractor in Winnipeg, Manitoba, specializing in a variety of applications requiring selective demolition. Since 1984, Di-Tech has been utilizing flat saws, wall saws, wire saws and coring equipment for concrete demolition.

In 2002, a friend and fellow contractor out of Alberta, Canada introduced Johnston to Brokk equipment. The Alberta contractor was looking to upgrade his Brokk 150. He showcased the Brokk 150 and impressed Johnston with its capabilities — Johnston was sold.

“Sometimes concrete-cutting can consume more time than breaking — but when both methods are utilized together, incorporating the Brokk equipment just makes good sense,” Johnston said. “It allows us to work faster and more efficient than ever before.”

Johnston explained that while demolishing a 38,000 square-foot parking garage floor in Winnipeg, Manitoba, he and his crew caused minimal vibration and noise disturbances for the existing tenants, and that was due to the use of Brokk equipment.

“The parkade structure was attached to two fully occupied buildings,” Johnston said. “By using the Brokk 150 and Brokk 180, paired with Darda Concrete Crushers, we were able to complete the demolition of the parkade floor efficiently without disrupting any of the tenants. It blew away the general contractor and engineers, since they received numerous noise complaints due to only the light jackhammering that was going on by others.”

In the end, it doesn’t matter whether you’re an operator or general contractor, you need the right tools to complete your projects’ productively and effectively. Johnston’s willingness to try a different approach with concrete cutting ultimately increased efficiency and safety for his crew members and that is what makes him a Brokk Star.

“With the Brokk, we are far more competitive now because we are consuming less diamond wire and blade products in our project scope, ” Johnston said. “The Brokk has opened up more opportunities for additional work on projects sites where only concrete breaking may be required.”

Since his first Brokk purchase, the company has added a Brokk 100 and Brokk 180 to his fleet. Looking toward the future, Johnston has his eye on the next prize — the Brokk 260.

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