Coming up in Sept/Oct – The Brokk Nordic Demotour

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22 augusti 2017 News articles

In Sept/Oct we will visit you in Oslo, Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Vanda together with the Brokk product family and tools. So circle these days in your calendar. Demo as in demolition. With you at the controls. Don’t miss it!

Time & adresses for the Brokk Demo Tour:
Oslo 21–22 sept, 9-15. Grorud Granitt A/S, Trondheimsv 628, 0964 Oslo
Gotenburg 26 sept, 8-17. Address: N-Mek, Bangårdsvägen 3, Kållered
Copenhagen, 28 Sept: 8-16. 29 Sept: kl 8-15. Adress: EP afd. Hedehusende
Vanda 5 Oct, 10-18. Koivupuistontie 16, FIN-01510 Vantaa

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// Brokkteamet