Brokk is at the forefront of safe, effective, and profitable demolition. Explore our latest press releases and news updates to learn about our new products and recent achievements.

23 November 2009 News articles: Brokk News – November 2009

In the November issue of Brokk news you can read more about the different applications that Brokk are used in nowadays; construction, tunnelling, process and the nuclear industry. We hope that you will find this interesting to read!

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20 October 2009 News articles: Brokk at Batimat in Paris

Welcome to “Our kind of playground” at Batimat in Paris. The multi-specialist construction exhibition is held in Paris November 2 – 7. Brokk participates in this exhibition together with ATC BTP Industrie. For further information please see or send us an e-mail: Welcome to Hall: 4, Alley: C Number 48.

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20 August 2009 News articles: Brokk has been nominated for its ad campaign..

In the spring of 2009 Brokk released a new ad campaign “Our kind of playground” that has been running in different kind of demolition magazines around the world. Brokk has now been nominated to the swedish design price for this campaign. Put your vote on Brokk (from August 31st) at:

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11 August 2009 News articles: Breaking the walls of Singapore´s tourist complex

Singarepore has started building a large hotel and casino complex and the project is expected to be completed in record time. The entire complex is built on reclaimed land and the soft ground conditions create major challenges for the foundation. Thick diaphragm walls had to be demolished after the foundation was laid. This tough job – in confined space and under a tight time schedule – was an excellent job to test the first Brokk 400 in Asia.

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// The Brokk team