To ensure you get the most out of your Brokk demolition robot, we offer specialized training courses for both operators and service personnel. Our training programs are designed to teach you safe and efficient methods for working with your Brokk machine, enhancing productivity and maximizing your return on investment.

Brokk Academy Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Training
    Brokk Academy provides in-depth knowledge on safely operating and mastering your Brokk machine, ensuring you can handle each job with confidence and skill.
  • Expand Your Capabilities
    Learn how to use your Brokk robot for a variety of tasks beyond demolition by adding new attachments. Our training helps you broaden your scope of work and increase versatility.
  • Optimize Performance
    Discover how to get the best performance from your machine, complete tasks more quickly, and effectively manage and maintain your investment.

For more information about Brokk Academy and to find out how to enhance your skills, contact your nearest Brokk dealer here or reach out to us directly at

Brokk academy

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// The Brokk team